Discover the Benefits of Vitamin C and Collagen Skincare Supplements

Discover the Benefits of Vitamin C and Collagen Skincare Supplements

We asked Lorraine Perretta, Head of Nutrition at Advanced Nutrition Programme all about Skin Vit C and Skin Collagen Support. Lorraine has over 30 years of experience in the industry and travels the globe to research the latest innovations and educate thousands of skincare professionals worldwide.

Q. Are Skin Vit C and Skin Collagen Support designed to work together as a duo?

A. "Absolutely! Nutrients love to work together and while they can work alone, together in synergy is always better."

Q. We know that Skin Collagen Support will be helpful for scaring. Can it also help with stretch marks?

A. "Yes! It will help loosen those that you have and work preemptively, before you get the stretch marks to reduce their appearance - think proactively."

Q. Can you take Collagen Support or Skin Vit C with Skin Ultimate?

A. "The best combination would be all three, Skin Ultimate PLUS Skin Vit C PLUS Skin Collagen Support. All those ingredients would work together to give the best, brighter, clearer, less wrinkled skin that is energised and well safeguarded from external chemicals, pollution or radiation. That would be the ultimate ultimate."

Q. Would the level of MSM in the Skin Collagen Support also have an effect on the joints?

A. "It’s an interesting question and some people have recorded that they actually do notice a benefit in their joints, so it would be on an individual basis. It isn’t the high strength MSM that someone would take for joints but it is possible and some people have recorded that they do feel a benefit from it. A double benefit from the Skin Collagen Support."

Q. How long before professional treatments, for example needling, should you take Skin Vit C and Skin Collagen Support? 

A. "Well we know it gets into the skin within 14 days and that would be a great length of time. The longer people are on it before they have the treatment the better. But as a therapist you don’t want to turn people away from a beneficial treatment. So, the minute that someone books, get them started on Skin Vit C and Skin Collagen Support so that they can start during the course of treatments. But two weeks would be a good amount of time."

Q. Could you describe the difference between getting collagen and boosting collagen?

A. "Taking collagen provides you with the basic amino acids your body needs to reassemble in order to produce supple and younger-looking skin. You need the nutrients that are going to take those amino acids, reassemble them and create healthy collagen. 

Research indicates that you need about 10 grams of collagen to make a difference in the skin. 10 grams is a lot. It’s like taking 20 vitamin C capsules every day - this is why it is often made into powders and drinks because you can take a lot more and have more of an impact. Over time it has become more important to instead add the things that help take the collagen and make it into healthy collagen, like vitamin C, MSM and grapeseed - ingredients that are all in the Skin Collagen Support. 

At the bottom line most people don’t need more collagen they need the nutrients that will create healthy collagen in order to support skin health. Unless you have a restrictive diet without meat or fish you shouldn’t have a lack of collagen and if you do it’s fine to have collagen drinks and/or powders so long as you’re adding the extra nutrients in the Skin Collagen Support that is turning it into healthy collagen.

Want to start stocking Skin Vit C and Skin Collagen Support?

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